sábado, 14 de julho de 2012

Rainy days

It's over now
Even that the rain go on.
But we know the true
the sun already will rise
Cause the bad days gone,
like the good moments too,
they always go away

Nonetheless, don't give up
I will be always here to cheer you up
Cause I know what you feel inside.
I know your dreams, your feelings
and we know, don't we?
the nightmares always go away

the apologizes will be accepts
there won't more faults, doubts or regrets.
Everything will be ok
we'll come back be a family like before
And fights won't happen more

We know... we know
our sun will always rise to us
and the rain will always fall on us
and if the rain never come back
I'll feed our love with my tears
while I look back

[Gabriela Marques]

2 comentários:

  1. "Cause I know I will smile and you will smile, and all the rest...is easy" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCRXMFSpiXc)

    A chuva é boa, entre muitas outras coisas, porque também passa.


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